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Top 10 Countdown to Flawless Autumn Skin

As far as we’re concerned, summer is officially over - and we don’t mind one bit! It’s time to embrace autumn and the cosy wardrobe and afternoon walks it brings with it. It’s also the perfect season to give your skin a well-deserved break. All summer it’s been fighting against the heat and sunshine, and no doubt you’ve been layering on the sunscreen and exposing your skin to chemicals such as chlorine from the swimming pool. Now’s the time to let your skin breathe, but that doesn’t mean you have to welcome spots and blemishes, or even go makeup-free. If you want to achieve flawless skin this autumn, follow our top ten countdown…


10. Know your skin!

It’s so important to know and understand your skin’s needs, once you do you’ll be able to gain a better control over it. You’ll know what it reacts well to, what it might react badly to, and you’ll learn how to avoid unexpected breakouts or inconvenient skin conditions. At Haute Custom Beauty, we can analyze your needs and give you a perfectly tailored “balanced diet” for flawless skin.


 9. Spring clean your makeup bag

Your beauty regime should alter seasonally and you should be replacing your products frequently. Makeup and moisturizers have a use-by date - even your lipstick does! Your makeup brushes can have bacteria and other elements that are not good for your skin. To give your complexion a fighting change, empty your makeup bag and start again.



8. Be selective

If you open your cupboard, drawer or bag and have a million products staring back at you, you can feel a little overwhelmed - and you really needn’t have that many anyway. Be selective with your products, opt for only the best as these are the products that are likely to last longer and do exactly what they say on the tin.


 7. Consider your diet

Have you indulged a little more than usual this summer? Your diet has a direct impact on your skin, so if you’ve gone a bit overboard with the sugary cocktails on holiday or treated yourself to a few too many burgers on the barbecue, it’s probably time for a cleanse! Foods such as blueberries, avocados and dark leafy greens such as kale are fantastic for your complexion, and you should be drinking plenty of water too.



6. Develop a sustainable morning routine 

Whether you’re in a rush, feeling a bit worse for wear after a big night out or fancy a lie in, your morning routine should stay the same. Always make time to wash, cleanse and moisturize your skin before applying your makeup or starting your day - no excuses!


 5. Develop an evening routine

If it’s 8pm or 2am, before you get into bed your makeup should come off and your face should be washed and cleansed. If it helps, keep a pack of makeup wipes on your bedside table as a reminder. Sleeping in your makeup can cause premature ageing, not to mention ruin your pillowcases…


 4. Remember to exfoliate

We don’t recommend exfoliating everyday, this can end up being quite detrimental to your skin as it can cause your glands to produce more oil and cebum. Instead, exfoliating around three times a week can be highly beneficial to your complexion. It’s important to spend that little bit longer getting ready for bed by remembering to exfoliate, you’ll certainly notice the difference.


 3. Watch out for sodium

So much of the food we eat nowadays is laced with sodium, so it can be difficult to monitor just how much you’re consuming. Sodium can seriously dehydrate your skin, so do read the packet and if you really can resist salt on your chips, counterbalance your meal with lots and lots of water.

Remember your SPF

Just because summer is over, doesn’t mean UV rays have disappeared. You should be protecting your skin with SPF all year around. UV rays can be harmful even through cloud, so make sure you apply every morning.


   1. Treat your skin

Just as you might give your hair a special condition, you should treat your skin too! Every day you put your skin under strain, travelling, applying makeup, drinking and eating, Haute Custom Beauty’s Elixirs are the perfect way to treat your skin. Made with natural nutrients and tailored to your personal needs - trust us, your skin will thank you!

HCB Skincare Specialist
HCB Skincare Specialist
